The program started its activities since 2096. To empower vulnerable people through involving community is the objective of community development program.
Our Approach
To end discrimination against women improve their quality of life, RISDA under its Vulnerable Group Development Program(VGD) enhances the productive income generating opportunities of VGD card holders(women)through providing life skill training on various income generating activities as well as on Nutrition, Primary Health, Human Rights, Reproductive Health, Gender, Environment issues etc. RISDA also creates credit provision and other support services for vulnerable women to empower them socially and economically and converts them into productive resources. Other program includes Early Childhood Care and Development, Non Formal Education, Nutrition, Water and Sanitation, Vulnerable Group Development (VGD), Food Security, Rehabilitation of Disabled people, Adaptation to Climate Change and Disaster Management.
Our Impact

Our Achievements up to June 2019
- 57,542+ Adults Received Literacy Numeracy Course
- 22032+ Children Received Non Formal Primary Education
- 60,000+ Patients Received Primary Treatment
- 565+ Youth Mobilized for Development
- 98000+ children provided school meal
- 28000+ Women Supported for Graduation from Poverty
- 12000+ Sanitary Latrine Installed
- 2000+ Tube Well Installed
- 2,00,000 + People Made Aware on Social Issues
Way Forward
We will expand our activities in new areas and continue to adapt our models to the context of the project areas. Keeping in mind our mission and future goals we have to stride for our next steps and identify our future strategies. We are aware of our limitations, yet we are determined to explore our potentials. We look forward with hope and passion to accomplish our tasks ahead based on our learning and experience.