Our Identity

Our Identity


RISDA-Bangladesh is a nonprofit and non-political national NGO, founded in 1993 with a mission to promote human rights and devote for socio-economic development of the underprivileged, marginalized and hard-to-reach people. Since the inception, the organization has implemented various programs and programs for Humanitarian Response, Community Development, Skills Training, Renewable Energy, Microfinance and more.

Legal status

RISDA-Bangladesh is registered with The Department of Social Services (DSS), Registrar of Joint Stock Company and Firms and NGO Affairs Bureau of Bangladesh government. It also got license from Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA)

Sl. Reg. Authority Reg. Date Reg. No.
I) NGO Affairs Bureau 03/11/1996 1095
II) Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms 27/12/2003 S-3506(295)/03
III) Department of Social Services (DSS) 02/05/1994 Dha-03096
IV) Department of Youth  Development 08/06/2023 DYD/218
V) Micro Credit Regulatory Authority 29/03/2012 00018-00267-00611


RISDA-Bangladesh has been awarded by INTERNATIONAL ARCH OF EUROPE in the GOLD CATEGARY for promoting Quality and Technology at the International BID Quality Convention which was held in Frankfurt, Germany on June 25th and 26th 2016 organized by Business Initiatives Directions (BID). It was also awarded the bizz 2016 as inspirational organization at Marrakech, Morocco by World Confederation of Business on October 05, 2016.


Happiness for ALL


RISDA-Bangladesh envisions a society where deprived and discriminated people are living with sustainable development in their life and livelihood and with respect and dignity.


Mission of RISDA-Bangladesh is to work with deprived and discriminated people, stakeholders in the society and state party for collective action to establish rights and entitlement for their life and livelihood.

Core Values and Operating Principles

RISDA-Bangladesh is committed to four core values of:

  • Diversity-Care and respect for all people.
  • Inclusion- Mainstreaming the marginalized people
  • Equity-Maintain equity in Society
  • Integrity –Demonstrate dependability, honesty, loyalty and good judgment.

Our action is guided by four operating principles:

  • Innovation- Create space for learning by encouraging research and creativity
  • Quality-Achieve excellence in every action
  • Accountability- Implements its activities in transparent way and accountable to its program participants
  • Sustainability- Target long term sustainable impact

Strategic Objectives

RISDA Bangladesh has set up the following four strategic objectives for July 2018 to June 2023 periods to support the mission and vision of the organization:

Strategic Objective-1: To increase organizational capacity to become capable for quality management and institutional governance of RISDA Bangladesh for integrated development program.

Strategic Objective-2: To strengthen and expand renewable energy base quality services and social business model for environment friendly economic sustainability of community and the institution.

Strategic Objective-3: To increase income of the poor people with development of groups, awareness raising, accumulating savings and credit supports.

Strategic Objective-4: To empower poor people economically for sustainable livelihood of individual or group of poor people to live in the family and society in improved living condition.

Strategic Objective-5: To empower poor and discriminated people for establishing their rights to access to public resources and services for their improved life with dignity and respect in the society.

Organizational governance

As per constitution, 21 members of RISDA-Bangladesh General Committee hold the highest authority to approve annual plan and budget, annual report and audit report through Annual General Meeting (AGM). An Executive Committee (EC) comprising 7 members is elected by General Members for three years period. General Secretary works as the chief executive of the organization and designated as Executive Director

Name of Persons Designation Profession
Mohammad Nuruzzaman Munna Chairman Social Worker
Md. Mosharraf Hossain Vice-Chairman Social Worker
Md. Hemayet Hossain Secretary-General ED, RISDA-Bangladesh
Muhammad Zahir Hossain Miah Treasurer Business
Fatema Yasmin  Executive Member Business
Fatema Naznin Executive Member Private service
Masud Alam Executive Member Business