You individually or a group can develop a project through your donation and give responsibility to RISDA-Bangladesh to implement the project with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
If you would like to donate by cheque (BDT only), please send your cheque payable to “RISDA-Bangladesh” and send it to
RISDA-Bangladesh, House #18, Road #1, Block #B, Section # 6, Mirpur, Dhaka- 1216, Bangladesh
Alternatively, you can donate by calling Md Jamal Uddin on Phone: +8801777765434 mailing to You can also donate to our branch offices and directly to our bank account Account name: RISDA Bangladesh A/C No:20501310100152000, named RISDA-Bangladesh Donation Fund, Islami Bank Limited, Mirpur Branch, SWIFT CODE-IBBLBDDH.